Mark Fords “MF/MF” Model A at Austin Speed Shop

Austin Speed Shop is doing its fair part to bring some automotive shenanigans to a city with a history of ambivalence toward hot rodding. It doesn’t hurt that Jesse James of West Coast Choppers fame is now involved. Among the sweet rods that roll out of the their South Lamar shop is this ridiculous Model A.

Mark Fords “MF/MF” Model A at Austin Speed Shop.

via Mark Fords “MF/MF” Model A at Austin Speed Shop.

Pate Swap Meet 2008

Bus-tedThe annual Pate Swap Meet in Texas has a storied 30 some-odd year history of facilitating gratuitous bartering of rusty cars and parts. Yours truly made hisĀ first pilgrimage this past weekend and was slack-jawed at the spectacle. The proper response? Take lots of pictures. Please pardon the fixation on ’32 roadsters; there has been heightened interest around the office lately in the quintessential hot rod.